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Get baby to sleep
Vakarė Kisieliūtė
6 years ago
Get baby to sleep

          That newborn of yours took a while understand the difference between night and day and you knew this will happen. But you did not expected, that whole year could make you feel like you have a 24 hours long shift. If lack of sleep has led you to your coffee mug in your hand, remember, it is possible to put an end to those 2 am wake up calls. About after 4 months, a baby's natural preference is to sleep. He just does not always know how to stay asleep. But he is only a baby, so you can change those bad habits only in just a few days. So here are some advices.

                             Wean Baby Off the Pacifier

          Your baby loses his pacifier again and again, waking him often. By 8 months, most babies have the fine motor skills to put their baby’s dummy back in their mouth. A good thing since experts say using a night time pacifier can reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome during the first year. Until then, your choice is either to get rid of the pacifier or to let your baby cry it out in the middle of the night. It should take a couple of days and should be really brutal at first, but eventually baby should be able to go to sleep with a pacifier and then not need it again.

                             Illusion of silence

          Just a silent sound of closing drawer wakes up your baby? No problem. All you need to do is to use a fan or noise machine to create a gentle hum that masks other sounds. If you turn it on as part of your baby's bedtime routine, it will cue him to relax and go to sleep even easier. Do not want to buy a noise machine? Search online for "white noise MP3s" for downloadable sound tracks, like one of a hair dryer.

                             Avoid Soothing Baby Too Long

          It is 3 am and your baby is a small energy bomb? If he is going through a developmental growth spurt, like learning to crawl, he may be too excited about practicing her new skill to quickly fall back asleep. Be sure about the fact that night time is not the time to play. If your baby is chatting and cooing, ignore him. It is likely that baby will entertain himself a bit and then will go back to sleep. But if he is crying, your baby may be experiencing separation anxiety, which usually comes with new motor development. When this happens more than 30 minutes before his typical wake-up time, soothe her for a few minutes, tell her you will come back and then leave the room.

                             No Night time Feedings

          If nursing is the only way your baby will go back to sleep, just put the baby down sleepy but awake, then check in every three or five minutes until she nodded off. This should help you avoid necessity of feeding your baby every time you want him to fall asleep. In fact, 90 percent of 6 month-olds can sleep through the night without snacking. Once you get the green light from your pediatrician to cease night feedings, you can slowly reduce them. You can try decreasing the amount of formula in each bottle. When baby realizes that milk is no longer on the menu, your baby will stop angling for it.

                             Prepare Baby's Sibling First

          Running to your baby the second he sniffles can make him depend on your presence to fall back asleep. But it is hard to let him fuss if you are worried he will wake the rest of the household. Better try warning an older sibling. When the baby wakes up and so does your older child, soothe your big kid first. He is more likely to fall back asleep without a ton of added help, and you will give the baby a chance to settle himself before needing to sooth him.

                             We are honestly hoping you will use these advices and that they will help you and your baby to get proper sleep.

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